jueves, 24 de octubre de 2019

Did I ever talk about my green fairy?

It is a desire, passion or obsession , do not know very well.
It is the one who guides my thoughts and my emotions. 

It's the one who makes me sleep in one city and wake me up in another one,
Which gives me Jack Daniels for breakfast,
red wine at lunch
and absinthe after dinner.

Part of the craziness of my life,
I can see her dancing every weekend night at the rock bars
The only getting me out the smile of "Son of a bitch" which steals me away years of life but, damn, feels good.

It's my ego, my arrogance, my narcissism, my cruelty.

Everyone has their world, I have my Dimesion where she reigns bottle in hand.

She lives in the depths of me,
She lives at the bottom of a bottle of absinthe.

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